
Saturday, November 10, 2012


The principal functions of kidney are;
            Urine formation in order to excrete water soluble (mainly nitrogenous) waste products and toxin form the body with reabsorption of nutrients and electrolytes .
            Control ECF volume and composition, acid-base status, blood pressure, electrolytes.

            Metabolic function – synthesis of glutathione, gluconeogenesis, ammonia formation

            Endocrine function – Erythropoietin synthesis, 1,25-Dihydroxy vitamin D3 formation, renin synthesis, prostaglandin synthesis.

About 1.1 to 1.3 L blood (750 ml plasma) flows through glomeruli per minute out of this only 120 ml/min is filtered by glomeruli. Kidney forms 1-2L urine/day out of 170L of glomerular filtrate which indicates heavy reabsorption. Polyuria (>3 L/day), Oliguria (<400 mL/day) and Anuria (<100 mL/day).

Apart from this kidney has 107 Na-K ATPase molecules per cell, other Ca-ATPase, H+-ATPase, and an H+, K+-ATPase and 100 Na and Cl channels. 

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