
Friday, April 18, 2014

Musings after the attendance

So how do you stay on your recent resident in-service training exam, aka the rise? For most of the residents who I know, she did better on the AP part above the CP area. I would have to say that not surprisingly, I feel that I the opposite is done. Last year, I've certainly much better on the CP portion than the AP section but my overall percentile was still good.

Although I usually down the answers to the AP-section to the right one and a conductor, scaled-down when I looked on content after I got home, I discovered that I often picked up the wrong answer. But even then, I believe that the AP section was honest and not overwhelmingly difficult for someone who AP probably better than I.

For me I thought the CP section was not that difficult, but most other residents who I've spoken with just the opposite that. they felt that many of the questions were esoteric and possibly not relevant to the practice of pathology as soon as we get out of the residence.

What are your thoughts after taking the rise? You feel it was a fair test? You feel that the questions are relevant what we need to learn in residence and for our practice and real world pathologists?

In other specialties, such as surgery and anaesthesiology, continuous vocational training, exams have a greater importance and scores are often asked to on applications of the fellowship. For pathology, this is not the case, but it is still important that we test ourselves every year to designate our strengths and weaknesses in some manner. Do you think that the rise the answer is or does it need a facelift?

-Betty Chung, do, MPH, MA is a second year resident physician at the Hospital of the University of Illinois and Health Sciences System in Chicago, IL.

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