
Sunday, October 12, 2014

Twitter, Facebook and Zinch may help you to find out Scholarships

Going to college can be expensive, especially after the four or five years it takes you to finish your undergraduate degree. The average American student graduates from college owing $20,000 in debt. However, there are ways to make your college experience less of a financial burden, and applying for scholarships is a fantastic way to do so. Not only will you receive financial rewards, but winning a scholarship can also help you gain stable employment after graduation or help you out if you're looking to apply for grad school. One great way to find scholarships is over various social media sites, including Twitter and
Facebook. Many students disregard this method, but if you consider these five pointers you may land yourself a great scholarship!

Search Key Phrases and Hashtags on Twitter

First off, create a Twitter account. Being technically savvy and being active in a range of social media sites will only benefit you. Once you've joined Twitter and you're familiar with how the site works, search key phrases and hashtags that will help you pin down a scholarship. For example, follow the #scholarship hashtag. Doing this will connect you with people you want to know and with people who will help you. People on Twitter using this #scholarship hashtag may be teachers, colleges, professors or even scholarship providers. Searching key terms, such as "financial aid," "merit based scholarships" or "federal aid" will also provide you make connections.

Follow Like Minded People On Twitter

Becoming a follower of people on Twitter who have similar goals as you can also be beneficial. If you know of a student who is following a particular college or scholarship provider, you should then follow this student. Also, you can see who this student is following on Twitter and see if any of those Tweets would help you further. Widening your social circle on Twitter will provide you with valuable information and fantastic contacts.

Create a Zinch Profile

Zinch is a college-based admissions portal that helps students with their applications. However, Zinch is also known for helping students find scholarship opportunities. It is a great idea to create a Zinch profile. Not only will this refine your college application, but it will also be another outlet for scholarship information. Zinch is also on Facebook and Twitter!

Make "Friends" With Different Scholarship Providers on Facebook

Nowadays, colleges, scholarship providers and professors are all on Facebook. Become their "friend" on Facebook or "like" their page if they're an organization or institution. For example, Find Scholarships, ScholarshipsCanada and all have a Facebook page. Use this social media site to your advantage!

Connect with People You Know Who Could Help You

While Twitter helps you connect with people you want to know, Facebook is a great social media site to connect you with people who you already know. Take advantage of that! Get in contact via Facebook with your friend who has applied for scholarships before. Ask a family member or relative about any connections they might have. Ask your teacher questions. Facebook draws you closer to people you know who can help you out! Many students think to turn to college websites and scholarship provider websites to find out about different scholarships and to apply for them. In reality, only looking here will really limit what you find and reduce your chance of achieving a scholarship! Get actively involved with Twitter and Facebook, and use them to your advantage. Connect with people you already know, strengthen connections you may have lost and connect with people you want to know. If you're a strong scholarship candidate, be sure that you don't give up until you've looked at all the sources, or until you've achieved what you are looking for!

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